Dexter Xcress
Owner at Xcress Int
level: Owner
industry: Computer & Network Security
Direct contacts
Dexter Xcress Phone numbers
–Dexter Xcress Email addresses
Type: Personal
About Dexter Xcress
San Diego, California, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Dexter Xcress Experience
Dexter Xcress Education
FAQ about Dexter Xcress
What information can be found in our database regarding Dexter Xcress?
Dexter Xcress is a man. He lives in the city of San Diego, CA.
Where does Dexter Xcress work?
He is reported to be an employee at Xcress Int.
What is Dexter Xcress's occupation?
It is known that he works as an owner. According to our records, his job level is owner.
Does he have an academic degree?
He used to take classes at Stanford University.
Which professional fields did he work in?
He worked in this professional field: computer & network security.
Is there any information about the people who work with him?
No records have been found in our database.
Does he possess professional skills in web development?
Yes, he possesses web development skills, plus 4 other work skills.
What companies was Dexter Xcress employed by previously?
Before Xcress Int, Dexter Xcress was employed by Xcress.
Is any information available about Dexter Xcress's inferred salary?
There is no information about Dexter Xcress's salary range.
Professionals with the same job title: Owner
Dexter Xcress's fellow alumni
Pasadena, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
Seattle, WA
Los Angeles, CA
Boston, MA
Reno, NV
San Francisco, CA
Santa Rosa, CA
San Francisco, CA
Del Mar, CA