Sinu Tachbe
Registered Nurse at Inova Health System
roles: Health
industry: Hospital & Health Care
Direct contacts
Sinu Tachbe Phone numbers
–Sinu Tachbe Email addresses
About Sinu Tachbe
Chantilly, Virginia, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Sinu Tachbe Experience
Falls Church, VA
Hospital & Health Care
Company size
FAQ about Sinu Tachbe
What information is available in our database about Sinu Tachbe?
Their place of residence is Chantilly, VA.
What is Sinu Tachbe's place of work?
Sinu Tachbe is employed by Inova Health System, a company that works in the hospital & health care sector and currently counts 10001+ employees.
What is Sinu Tachbe's occupation?
It is reported that Sinu Tachbe is employed as a registered nurse and has a career associated with the following professional field/occupation: health, nursing.
Did Sinu Tachbe go to college?
We couldn't find any information about Sinu Tachbe's university degree.
What professional areas does Sinu Tachbe have experience in?
Sinu Tachbe has experience in hospital & health care.
Who are the people working for the company where Sinu Tachbe is employed?
The following people work for the same company as Sinu Tachbe: Sunina Bhadel, a registered nurse; Anna Chanu, a registered nurse; Karina Blunt, a registered nurse; Lisa Robinson, a registered nurse; Windy Kroll, a registered nurse; Eric Anim, a practitioner; Zemzem Khiar, a clinical technician; Shaunte Jackson, a telerecruiter; James Bigelow, a radiation therapist; John Liljestrand, a physicain at inova medical group; Michael Fitzgerald, a cash specialist.
Is there any information as to how much Sinu Tachbe makes per month?
Our records show that Sinu Tachbe's monthly income is $70,000-85,000. This information is provided in accordance with the statistics available for combinations of specific job titles, regions, and companies.
Sinu Tachbe's co-workers at Inova Health System
Professionals with the same job title: Registered Nurse
Chantilly, VA
Sinu Tachbe's former colleagues
Attorney And Counselor At Law
The Law Offices Of Marjorie Alexander
Washington, DC
Herndon, VA
President And Chief Executive Officer
Out Of The Woodwork Productions
Woodbridge, VA