Alvin Xaa

Ged Coordinator at Leflore County School District

industry: Education Management

Direct contacts

Alvin Xaa Phone numbers

Alvin Xaa Email addresses

[email protected]

Type: Personal

About Alvin Xaa


Jackson, Mississippi, United States



Date of birth

Inferred Salary

Alvin Xaa Experience

Ged Coordinator

Leflore County School District

FAQ about Alvin Xaa

What information can be found in our database regarding Alvin Xaa?

Alvin Xaa is a man. He is presently living in Jackson, MS state.

Where is he currently employed?

Based on our records, he is currently working at Leflore County School District.

What is his profession?

He is known to be a ged coordinator.

Which college did he study at?

No higher education records have been found.

What professional fields did Alvin Xaa work in?

He has already worked in this professional field: education management.

Who else works at the company he is employed by?

No records of Alvin Xaa's colleagues are available.

Is there any information as to how much Alvin Xaa makes every month?

The information about Alvin Xaa's monthly income range is unknown.

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Denver Inner City Parish

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Mary;And State Dept

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