Martha Fabila-Ramirez
Licensed Optician at Optometric Care Of Sacramento
industry: Medical Practice
Direct contacts
Martha Fabila-Ramirez Phone numbers
+1 (916) 271-9556
+1 (916) 682-2196
+1 (916) 391-6461
+1 (916) 271-7195
About Martha Fabila-Ramirez
Sacramento, California, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Martha Fabila-Ramirez Experience
FAQ about Martha Fabila-Ramirez
What general information is available about Martha Fabila-Ramirez?
Martha Fabila-Ramirez is a woman. She is based in Sacramento, CA.
Which organization is Martha Fabila-Ramirez employed by?
She is believed to work at Optometric Care Of Sacramento.
What kind of work does she do?
She is reported to be employed as a licensed optician.
Which university did she study at?
We couldn't find any information about her college education.
What fields does Martha Fabila-Ramirez have professional experience in?
She has been involved in this area: medical practice.
Who are the people working for the company where Martha Fabila-Ramirez is employed?
No records of Martha's workmates have been found in our database.
Is there any information as to how much Martha Fabila-Ramirez makes a month?
There are no salary records for Martha Fabila-Ramirez in our database.
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