Jennifer Tabaldo
Administrative Assistant at Uc San Diego Health
industry: Research
Direct contacts
Jennifer Tabaldo Phone numbers
–Jennifer Tabaldo Email addresses
About Jennifer Tabaldo
San Diego, California, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Jennifer Tabaldo Experience
San Diego, CA
Hospital & Health Care
Company size
FAQ about Jennifer Tabaldo
Which information can be found in our database about Jennifer Tabaldo?
Jennifer Tabaldo is a woman. She is in San Diego, CA.
What is her place of employment?
Our records show that she has a job with Uc San Diego Health, a hospital & health care industry company established in the year of 1966 that employs 10001+ people.
What is Jennifer Tabaldo's occupation?
She is reported to be an administrative assistant.
Did she graduate from college?
No college records have been found.
What are the fields that she has work experience in?
She has experience in such fields as research and hospital & health care.
Is any information available about employees at the company Jennifer Tabaldo works at?
The following people are also employed at Uc San Diego Health: Christie Simpkins, an administrative assistant; Carlos Lopez, an administrative assistant; Andrew Lowman, an administrative assistant; Lori Schult, an administrative assistant; Andreina Perez, an administrative assistant; Irene Myrwold, an administrative assistant; Claudia Graff, an administrative assistant; Lilliya Dixon, an administrative assistant; Sarah Quindoy, an administrative assistant; Irina Kuzminskiy, an administrative assistant; Wendy Gabay, an administrative assistant; Olivia Reynolds, an administrative assistant.
Is there any information as to how much Jennifer Tabaldo makes every month?
According to our records, Jennifer Tabaldo's monthly earnings are $25,000-35,000. The salary information is provided in accordance with the data analyzed for combinations of specific job titles, regions, and companies.
Jennifer Tabaldo's co-workers at Uc San Diego Health
Professionals with the same job title: Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Tabaldo's former colleagues
Chief Executive Officer Faculty Practice And Dean For Clinical Affairs
Uc San Diego Health
San Diego, CA
Ambulatory Patient Safety, Quality And Risk Specialist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA