S.m Nabin Ghimire
Works at The University Of Toledo College Of Engineering
industry: Civil Engineering
Direct contacts
S.m Nabin Ghimire Phone numbers
–S.m Nabin Ghimire Email addresses
–About S.m Nabin Ghimire
Toledo, Ohio, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
S.m Nabin Ghimire Experience
Company size
Civic & Social Organization
Company size
Architecture & Planning
Company size
S.m Nabin Ghimire Education
Licenses & certifications
FAQ about S.m Nabin Ghimire
Which information can be found in our database regarding S.m Nabin Ghimire?
They live in the city of Toledo, OH.
Which organization is S.m Nabin Ghimire employed by?
S.m Nabin Ghimire is known to be employed by The University Of Toledo College Of Engineering.
What is S.m Nabin Ghimire's job?
There are no employment records for S.m Nabin Ghimire in our files.
What college did S.m Nabin Ghimire attend?
S.m Nabin Ghimire studied Tribhuvan Vishwavidalaya. S.m attended college from 2010 to 2014. S.m Nabin Ghimire earned a degree in bachelors and majored in civil engineering.
Which professional fields did S.m Nabin Ghimire work in?
S.m Nabin Ghimire has worked in various areas including civil engineering, civic & social organization and architecture & planning.
Who are the people working for the company where S.m Nabin Ghimire is employed?
No records of S.m's workmates are available in our database.
Is S.m Nabin Ghimire qualified in autocad?
Yes, S.m Nabin Ghimire possesses autocad skills and 18 other professional skills.
Where has S.m Nabin Ghimire been employed?
S.m Nabin Ghimire worked for 4 companies — National Society For Earthquake Technology - Nepal (Nset), Nepal Development Volunteer Service Under National Planning Commission, Construction Company Building, and Nepal Water & Energy Development Company.
What's S.m Nabin Ghimire's monthly income?
There is no information about S.m Nabin Ghimire's monthly income range.
S.m Nabin Ghimire's former colleagues
Outdoor Adventures Program Student Assistant
California State University-Channel Islands
Camarillo, CA
Ontario, CA
S.m Nabin Ghimire's fellow alumni
Sylvania, OH
Middletown, CT
Warsaw, IN
Sylvania, OH
North Ridgeville, OH
Atlanta, GA
Toledo, OH
Toledo, OH
Cincinnati, OH
Toledo, OH
Greenwood, IN
Cleveland, OH