Joamy Herzog

Tsr 1 at Nys Department Of Tax & Finance

industry: Information Technology And Services

Direct contacts

Joamy Herzog Phone numbers

Joamy Herzog Email addresses

[email protected]

Type: Personal

About Joamy Herzog


Albany, New York, United States


Date of birth

Inferred Salary

Joamy Herzog Experience

Tsr 1

Nys Department Of Tax & Finance

About Nys Department Of Tax & Finance


Government Administration

Company size


FAQ about Joamy Herzog

What general information is available about Joamy Herzog?

They presently reside in Albany, NY.

What is Joamy Herzog's current place of employment?

According to our records, Joamy Herzog is employed at Nys Department Of Tax & Finance, an organization that works in the information technology and services sector and currently counts 1001-5000 employees.

What kind of work does Joamy Herzog do?

It is reported that Joamy Herzog is employed as a tsr 1.

Where did Joamy Herzog go to college?

We found no higher education records for Joamy Herzog.

What areas does Joamy Herzog have work experience in?

Joamy Herzog has worked in various fields including information technology and services and government administration.

Is any information available about employees at the company Joamy Herzog works at?

The following people are also known to be employed at Nys Department Of Tax & Finance: Olga Bogdanova, a business systems analyst 3; David Demeter, a director: bankruptcy, estates and collections section - office of counsel; Evelin Diazgranados, a tax information consultant; Brandon Canizzaro, a tax information aide; Cody Martel, a tax information aide; Anthony Spagnola, a clerk; Kareem Weatherly, a tax specialist; Vicki Wysocki, an info technician specialist 4; Sarah Suits, a business analyst; Kelly Tortello, a taxpayer specialist at nys department of tax and finance.

Is any information available about Joamy Herzog's salary range?

There are no salary records for Joamy Herzog in our database.

Joamy Herzog's co-workers at Nys Department Of Tax & Finance

Olga Bogdanova

Business Systems Analyst 3

Albany, NY

David Demeter

Director: Bankruptcy, Estates And Collections Section - Office Of Counsel

Albany, NY

Evelin Diazgranados

Tax Information Consultant

Albany, NY

Brandon Canizzaro

Tax Information Aide

Albany, NY

Cody Martel

Tax Information Aide

Albany, NY

Anthony Spagnola


Albany, NY

Kareem Weatherly

Tax Specialist

Albany, NY

Vicki Wysocki

Info Technician Specialist 4

Albany, NY

Sarah Suits

Business Analyst

Albany, NY

Kelly Tortello

Taxpayer Specialist At Nys Department Of Tax And Finance

Albany, NY

Professionals with the same job title: Tsr 1

Felicia Alva

Wescom Credit Union

Los Angeles, CA

Brian Willie

Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Company

Virginia Beach, VA

Robert Roberson

Trimble Transportation

Chicago, IL

Kara Mcmullen

Etech Global Services

Pollok, TX

Jermaia Gilbert

Time Warner Cable

Dallas, TX

Sheena Olszewski

State Of Idaho

Pocatello, ID

Andrew Baker

Dell Emc

Georgetown, TX

Sarag Tabatsky

Nys Tax Department

Albany, NY

Maryjane Mathews

State Of Oregon

Dallas, OR

Joamy Herzog's former colleagues

Emily Drazan


Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Llp

Washington, DC

Alana Deserio

Manager, Sales, Server

Hooters Of America

Albany, NY

Derek Betts

Seasonal Lock Operator At Nys Canal Corporation

Nys Canal Corporation

Waterford, NY

Antoine Gendron

It Specialist

Nys Oits

Albany, NY

Thomas Hartnett

Schenectady, NY

Jennifer Cleveland

Clerk 1

New York State Department Of Labor

Albany, NY

James Bowers

Albany, NY

Linda Eagle

Founder And President

Global Bankers Institute

New York, NY

Casey Milsop

Albany, NY

David Kittell

Tax Compliance Representative 2


Albany, NY

Joseph Diamante

Fiduciary Accounting Associate

Wilcenski & Pleat Pllc

Schenectady, NY

Mike Vooris

Smart Technical Support Associate

Pwc Consulting

Albany, NY