Ray Tabaczka
Director Of Information Technology at Family Health Center
roles: Engineering
level: Director
industry: Hospital & Health Care
Direct contacts
Ray Tabaczka Phone numbers
+1 (616) 881-9625
+1 (269) 488-0835
About Ray Tabaczka
Vicksburg, Michigan, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Ray Tabaczka Experience
Hospital & Health Care
Company size
Grafton, WI
Information Technology And Services
Company size
Grand Rapids, MI
Management Consulting
Company size
Grafton, WI
Information Technology And Services
Company size
Ray Tabaczka Education
FAQ about Ray Tabaczka
Which information is available in our database regarding Ray Tabaczka?
Ray Tabaczka is a man. He presently resides in Vicksburg, MI.
Where is he currently employed?
He works with Family Health Center, a hospital & health care organization that currently has 51-200 employees.
What career does he pursue?
He is a director of information technology and has a career associated with the following professional area/employment: engineering, information technology. Based on the current information available, he has a director level position.
Does he have a college degree?
He was a student of West Shore Community College.
What industries does Ray Tabaczka have work experience in?
He has experience in industries such as hospital & health care, information technology and services and management consulting.
Is there any information about the people Ray Tabaczka works with?
Ray Tabaczka is known to work with Jim Mashak, a senior accountant; Regina Mead, a registered medical assistant; Delia Kunaiyi-Akpanah, a customer service representative; Cindy Koning, a medical records technician; Chloe Jordan, an administrative assistant; Aaron Chaprnka, a network technician; Patricia Moore, a community health advisor; Tymesha Buford, a dental assistant; Patricia Ramirez, a lpn at family health center; Constance Thornton, a managed care referral specialist at family health center; Daryle Robbson, a medical social worker; Nick Delong, a certified pharmacy technician.
Is he skilled at it strategy?
Yes, he has it strategy skills and 52 other professional competencies.
Where did Ray Tabaczka work before the current job?
Before Family Health Center, Ray Tabaczka worked at 3 companies — Teschglobal, Business Strategy, Inc., and Michigan Department Of Natural Resources Parks And Wildlife Division.
Is there any information as to how much Ray Tabaczka makes a month?
Ray Tabaczka earns $85,000-100,000 per month. The salary information is provided based on the availability of data aggregated for combinations of specific job titles, regions, and companies.
Ray Tabaczka's co-workers at Family Health Center
Professionals with the same job title: Director Of Information Technology
Ray Tabaczka's former colleagues
Staff Accountant At Groen, Kluka And Company, P.c
Groen, Kluka & Company, P.c.
Detroit, MI
Marketing Operations Director At Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr And Huber, Inc
Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. (Ftch)
Grand Rapids, MI
Consulting Manager - Turnaround, Restructuirng And Insolvency Practice
Middleville, MI
Ray Tabaczka's fellow alumni
Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids, MI
Coopersville, MI
Grand Haven, MI
Grand Rapids, MI
Caledonia, MI
Allendale, MI
Lima, OH
Farmersville, TX
Grand Rapids, MI
Saint Louis, MO
Hudsonville, MI