Abba Dabbd
Prez at B Consulting
industry: Judiciary
Direct contacts
Abba Dabbd Phone numbers
–Abba Dabbd Email addresses
–About Abba Dabbd
Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Abba Dabbd Experience
Company size
FAQ about Abba Dabbd
What general information about Abba Dabbd is available?
They are presently in Jacksonville, FL.
What organization is Abba Dabbd employed by?
Abba Dabbd has a job with B Consulting, a banking company established in the year of 2012 that employs 1-10 people.
What does Abba Dabbd do for a living?
Abba Dabbd is known to be employed as a prez.
Where did Abba Dabbd study?
There is no information about Abba Dabbd's higher education in our database.
What industries does Abba Dabbd have work experience in?
Abba Dabbd has already worked in the following fields: judiciary and banking.
Is any information available about employees at the company Abba Dabbd works at?
The following people are reported to be Abba Dabbd's colleagues: Viadel Hernandez, a manager; Vinniesha Holloman, a nb; Giovani Gardonio, an accounting; Harvey Birnholz, a tax consultant; Liubov Kucherova, a self-employed at b consulting; Brian Lybek, a senior analyst; Danny Rivera, a general manager at b consulting; Leca Williams, an account; Jaz Tanger, a consultant; Martin Buber, a human resources manager; Stacy Heart, a chief executive officer; Mark Macpherty, a chief executive officer.
Is there any information as to how much Abba Dabbd makes per month?
The information about Abba Dabbd's monthly income is unknown.
Abba Dabbd's co-workers at B Consulting
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Professionals with the same job title: Prez
Beverly Hills, CA
Pittsburgh, PA
Abba Dabbd's former colleagues
Grandview, MO
Hanover, MA