Catalina Tabasc
Cashier, Sales Associate at Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts
roles: Sales
industry: Hospitality
Direct contacts
Catalina Tabasc Phone numbers
–Catalina Tabasc Email addresses
–About Catalina Tabasc
Lanai City, Hawaii, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Catalina Tabasc Experience
Toronto, ONTARIO
Company size
FAQ about Catalina Tabasc
What information is available in our database regarding Catalina Tabasc?
Catalina Tabasc is a female. She is presently living in Lanai City, HI.
What is the name of the company where she works?
She is known to be an employee of Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts, a hospitality industry company with a total of 10001+ workers.
What is Catalina Tabasc's job?
She is a cashier, sales associate and pursues a career associated with the following professional field/occupation: sales, accounts.
What college did she attend?
No higher education records have been found in our database.
What professional areas was Catalina Tabasc involved in?
She worked in this professional area: hospitality.
Who else works at the company she is employed by?
The following people are known to be her workmates: Jong Taal, a stward; Liudmila Bunderson, an assistant director of finance; Wen-Chi Yang, a resort assistant manager; Lynette Higaki, a retail; Elaina Hernandez, a stylist; Deana Ganer-Eskaran, a guest recognition specialist; Gina Enzweiler, a floral manager; Jarrod Barfield, a guest services at four seasons hotels and resorts county of maui parks and recreation specialist; Alison Harding; Randy Fernandez, a chief engineer; Katie Goldman, an assistant spa director; Jay Ballesteros, an assistant island activities manager.
How much does Catalina Tabasc make?
According to our records, Catalina Tabasc's inferred monthly income is $70,000-85,000. The information is provided in accordance with the statistics available for combinations of specific job titles, regions, and companies.
Catalina Tabasc's co-workers at Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts
Guest Services At Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts County Of Maui Parks And Recreation Specialist
Lanai City, HI
Lanai City, HI
Professionals with the same job title: Cashier, Sales Associate
Houston, TX
Catalina Tabasc's former colleagues
Newport Coast, CA
Denver, CO
West Palm Beach, FL