Shelby Taborelli
Legal Assistant at Ford & Harrison Llp
roles: Legal
industry: Law Practice
Direct contacts
Shelby Taborelli Phone numbers
–Shelby Taborelli Email addresses
About Shelby Taborelli
Tampa, Florida, United States
Date of birth
Inferred Salary
Shelby Taborelli Experience
Atlanta, GA
Law Practice
Company size
FAQ about Shelby Taborelli
Which information can be found in our database about Shelby Taborelli?
They are based in Tampa, FL at the moment.
What is Shelby Taborelli's current place of employment?
Shelby Taborelli works for Ford & Harrison Llp, a law practice industry company founded in 1978 with 201-500 existing employees.
What does Shelby Taborelli do for a living?
Shelby Taborelli is a legal assistant and has a career related to the following professional area/employment: legal.
Is Shelby Taborelli a college graduate?
No university records for Shelby Taborelli have been found.
What are the industries that Shelby Taborelli has professional experience in?
Shelby Taborelli has a background in the following area: law practice.
Who are the people working for the company Shelby Taborelli is employed at?
According to our database, these people also work at the company: Marlene Gomez-Rosario, a legal assistant; Amy Littrell, an attorney and publications editor; April Garvey, an office contact; Shane Munoz, a partner; Tammie Rattray, an attorney; Ed Carlstedt, an attorney; Pamela Coffield, a legal assistant at ford and harrison llp; Brandye Fenn, a litigation support manager; Tracey Jaensch, a regional managing partner; Natasha Khoyi, an associate attorney; Heidi Daniels, a paralegal; Emily Chase-Sosnoff, a counsel.
Is there any information as to how much Shelby Taborelli earns per month?
Our records show that Shelby Taborelli's inferred monthly salary is $55,000-70,000. The salary information is provided in accordance with the statistics available for combinations of specific job titles, regions, and companies.
Shelby Taborelli's co-workers at Ford & Harrison Llp
Professionals with the same job title: Legal Assistant
Shelby Taborelli's former colleagues
Lewisville, TX