Contact data for your recruitment, sales, and marketing needs

Search, engage and convert over 110 million contacts
with Leadar’s sales intelligence and engagement platform

Why Choose Leadar

Multiple search options

Search for talents, prospects and business contacts by name, location, job title, professional skills, social media, company, education, and much more.

US focus

Over 193 million companies, 62 million verified emails, 25 million mobile phone numbers across all 50 states.

New, accurate data

We keep growing. Our database is continuously expanding with relevant and accurate contact details, social profiles, and company information, which means your business network is also constantly growing and updating.


We use predictive modeling to best guess contact information and increase the accuracy of your search results.

Multi-level data verification

We research, package, and verify information using our proprietary algorithm, AI techniques, and real-time, human verification to ensure the highest accuracy of your data.

How Leadar can help you


Accelerate your sales

Use our verified email addresses and direct phone numbers to enhance your outreach efforts, grab qualified leads, and get personal with decision-makers.


Boost your recruitment

Hunt down perfectly-suited candidates via online profiles, fill vacancies faster, and establish a meaningful connection with anyone, all at scale.


Power up your marketing

Find prospects, build lists with accurate and actionable data, create custom audiences, and send hyper-targeted messaging — all to fuel your marketing efforts and leave the competition behind.

Business Growth

Drive your business growth

Find and contact investors and VCs directly, get in front of any CEO, and connect with other businesses to build fruitful relationships and develop your business.

What people think about Leadar

Find business and personal email addresses, phone numbers, and LinkedIn profiles for your professional goals.
  • The platform is particularly useful for verifying business contacts.

    Adam M.

    PR specialist
  • I represent a startup company, and couldn’t have come at a better time to help us network and reach whoever we want.

    Alexandra P.

    Startup founder
  • Leadar gives me reliable information to help with decision-making.

    Chris B.

  • It’s what I’ve been looking for to know and understand my customers better!

    Maria S.

    Online store owner
  • I was looking for employees for my company and managed to find some of them through Leadar. I love how simple the website is.

    Noah B.

    Small company owner
  • Whenever I need extra help with my marketing projects, I always count on the people listed here.

    Taylor H.

  • Leadar is an amazing platform. I reached out to a few people who helped me with a website for my startup.

    Justin G.

    Marketing company owner
  • I found the email address of the person I wanted to work with on Leadar and emailed her. A few weeks later I became an employee in her company.

    Harper R.

    Former job seeker